Higher Energies Within Yourself

Allow me to guide you to traverse through these higher mental faculties present in you to set the anchor of your life.

Divyata Dewan
3 min readJan 24, 2022
Set your Intuition. Be more intuitional with the things you choose to do
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Alas, you are here reading this. It is no coincidence. Trust yourself. Maybe today, the Flow of energy is guiding you at this moment, reading what I have to tell you. Let these inked words wrap up your heart with a slightly nuanced feeling. A feeling felt not quite often still enough persists even when you and I reside in many bodies, one in mind.

You are physically, spiritually, and mentally living on Earth in this infinite cosmos. What about the spirit or the soul? The soul is not captivated or domesticated by how the mind-like activity is.

Since you have opened your eyes for the first time, the world has been blurry for a reason. Nature was cautious and always cared for our well-being, unlike humans. So who knew what vision, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile sensory systems would capture, and the blueprints would stick in one part of your brain, forming a memory in mind, lasting for as long as the consciousness bring it into awareness at some point in time in the future.

Nature gifted you with marvelous tools to perceive the outside world; those were out of focus until you learned how to utilize them. Nature also endowed you with six mental faculties; I would call them—Imagination, Intuition, Will, Reason, Memory, Perception. I ask you today whether your mind is using these practical tools for the greater good or lesser bad? The Privileged have learned the art of using these tools in existence's physical and mental realm.

In my last article, I emphasized desire. However, when utilized positively and negatively, the power of burning desire can either construct life or become a cause of destruction.

Since childhood, without any awareness or consciousness, you always used these mental faculties in every activity, psychological or physical. In toddling, imagination often made you change your characters, from an artist to an engineer to a doctor or just a No- doer. A strong will followed with a balanced reason often helped you change your perception of yourself in your mind's eye as a teenager. Using intuition, aka gut feeling, you in your youth have continually excelled in many areas of your life and sometimes even managed to save yourself from troubles.

What happened to you as an adult then? Did you completely restrain yourself from using these higher mental faculties? Do you find yourselves domesticated by your mind-controlled by the outside world: people, environment, thing, or circumstance? Are you using your mind, or is your mind using you? Ponder on these thoughts and record your feelings in a journal. Do not condemn yourself when negative thoughts arise in your mind. Write them down. Journal how you are using the powerful toolkit of higher mental faculties in different stages of your life to help you manifest all the sacred and desired choices.



Divyata Dewan

I am a transformational coach and a lifelong learner. I practice mindfulness and my goal is to transform life states with my writings. https://ko-fi.com/divyata